速報APP / 攝影 / Caption Plus

Caption Plus


檔案大小:4.3 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 4.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Caption Plus(圖1)-速報App

As the name Suggest it enables users to add Caption to photos that are either saved in the Photos library or captured via the camera provided inside the App. People who plays with social networking site are gonna love this app because it enable them to be upload their pictures with caption on, might reducing their effort over their. This App will definitely replace instant Cameras in to history.


You will not need your old instant Camera to caption on your photo anymore. Caption Plus helps you to add Captions on your photo in real time. The most attracting feature of Caption Plus App is it’s built in camera making user to take pictures not going back to the iPhone camera app thereby saving pretty much time. Not only the camera feature, caption plus provide much more features like the settings that enable you to select your own custom fonts, size, color and background color for the caption. Moreover, on the front end the apps looks great.

How To Use:

Caption Plus(圖2)-速報App

1. Choose option whether to take a photo or open from Library

2. Type your Caption.

3. Drag anywhere in image area

4. Change style

Caption Plus(圖3)-速報App

5. Save

You can chose custom fonts and styles from settings. Turn custom settings off to get auto calculated font

Caption Plus is pretty much easy to use. In the home screen the two buttons provided Take Photo, Select Photo enables to capture image and pick a saved image from the iPhone photo library respectively.After picking the image the image you choosed will be displayed and allow you to add caption and save that image.if you want to make changes to default caption style you can done it by going to the settings.First of all change the Enable custom style to ON state, normally the Enable custom style will be in the OFF state .After selecting the caption styles save the changes you have made and add the caption and save it .On saving the image you will be given a alert that the image have saved successfully to the iphone's photos library.

Caption Plus(圖4)-速報App
